Thursday, May 31, 2007


Yawn. I am so tired. I'm exhausted! It is not even 9am and I've already been up at least 2hrs (after having slept at most 5hrs). I ate breakfast and biked the 30min distance from my friends' house (I've been staying there this week until my place is ready to move into-- THANK YOU!) to work here at Augsburg, and now here I am struggling to keep my lids lifted as I do data entry. C'mon, Chris: just one more day!

Today, besides working all day, I have my first meeting for my summer research! I'm stoked to find out some more of the details about this. Also- can't beat free lunch. I'll keep you posted.

So this weekend is quite an exciting one- it signals the beginning of my independent study/research grant, the end of these weeks of long long work days, I move into my new place TOMORROW, and my little brother's graduation open house is on Sunday. A lot to be happy about- now lets just get today done with so that the weekend can get going!

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