Friday, May 11, 2007

Skip the freeway; take the greenway...

I biked the Midtown Greenway this past Saturday for what I am ashamed to admit was my very first time. I've passed it by many times and always wanted to check it out but hadn't for lack of time/need to head to Uptown. Well- Saturday I had time and need, so the opportunity presented itself and I greedily grabbed it.

For those who don't know- the greenway is like a highway for cyclists, a mostly uninterrupted bike trail with exits (on/offramps like freeways). I got from Minnehaha Ave. (right near Augsburg) to Uptown in no time flat (even though it started pouring, drenching me and my friend's bike in the process). I was immediately enamored and plan to make it a regular part of my transportive thoroughfares! And now that I am officially a 'bicycle commuter,' all the better that I finally introduced myself to this.

ps. Its 9:42am on Friday... is it the weekend yet?! Oh wait- I work all day, and then again tomorrow morning. Sigh. But then... not again until Monday morning!

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