Monday, April 30, 2007

Winding Down, Up

Well, the semester is coming to a close. After an intensive final today, only one final exam stands between me and 'summer'. Woah- summer already? Jeeze Louise!

It has been a stressful and busy semester, but it sure has had its highlights. Overall, I was fitter, happier, and more productive, ha. A great deal of good happened, and I accumulated a lot of memories I'll hold onto for some time. Of special note: the trip to El Salvador, the roadtrip to Michigan and Chicago, and the company I've kept. I have a lot to look forward to this summer. More on that later. For now, its time to say goodbye to my second-to-last semester of college-

Ah, I suppose this reflection is just a bit premature. To that effect, time to go prep for one last final!

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