Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Another day, and that's okay-

Last night was a little intense, unnecessarily so. I'm just dealing with some family stuff that isn't exactly pleasant (death, estrangement- but hey, we've all got strange family situations, don't we?), plus the always interesting dynamics of this whole "long-distance" (I use that term cautiously) thing. But I'm feeling great today, just all-around satisfied, so that is good.

This week looks to be very, VERY busy: a friend's birthday tonight, another friend's birthday tomorrow night, work and such on Thursday night, and Friday-Sunday I will be with a friend both here in town and out of town. Aside from all this, I have all the usual suspects: a great deal of homework, classes and work shifts during the day, meetings filling every spare space, and this exciting, albeit time-consuming, project that I'm working on (more on that in a later post). In any case, just a quick check in- I'm at work so I must be off again!

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