Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Small Things

I woke up this morning and met my friend "S" for "coffee"--he had coffee, I ate a sandwich. Then I met another friend to return a book, after which I ran into my friend "J". He and I walked about for a bit, joking and just "being stupid". Then I had two classes, followed by my weekly Campus Kitchen shift which was, as always, a fun excursion into the community and nice escape from campus with friends. After, we went to the Holiday party for the History, Political Science, and Economics departments (I work in their office), where I bumped into "S", "J", and another friend whose name begins with "J". We ate and drank, after which I ended up in the library (where I currently sit). As you can see, nothing out of the ordinary, but a completely satisfactory day so far. I must be off; there is day left--

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