Saturday, October 14, 2006

A Lazy Saturday

I love the weekends. I spend all week caught up in the hustle and bustle of all I do, so I really do make down time a top priority on the weekends. There is nothing I like more than finishing off a busy week with crazy weekend nights and a lazy Saturday afternoon sandwiched in between. It is a way of unleashing my inclination for irresponsibility that I (attempt to) stifle throughout the week (although not always successfully). A friend is visiting from Wisconsin and we went out to breakfast this morning and are now just hanging out. It's exactly what I need: to allow the hairs I've pulled this week to return (so I can pull them out all over again, I suppose).

On a more academic note, I sorted out all the details for my independent study on Friday, and I couldn't be more excited. I'll explain further in a later post. Now back to that Saturday...

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