Thursday, December 20, 2007

Friends, Family, Familiarity

So I'm filling my final days in Minneapolis with friends, family, and familiar things: I'm spending time with old friends, saying goodbyes, sharing the holidays with family member, and doing a little bored sitting. All fun, minus that last one. Ah well, I've missed being bored--I haven't experienced that in a little while.

My sched:
Tuesday - work, final, friend
Yesterday - friend, friend
Today - friend, friend
Tomorrow - friend, mom's birthday, wedding, friend
Saturday - family tradition (cookies Sat. before Xmas), friend
Sunday - friend, family Christmas with Dad's Mom
Monday (Xmas eve) - family Christmas with Mom
Tuesday (Xmas day) - family Christmas with Mom's Dad, family Christmas with Dad
Wednesday - back up north with my friend

My days as a resident of the city of Minneapolis are done (I've handed in my key at my old place and have been crashing at friends' places all week, and will continue to stay with friends and family until I go back to my new place.

More updates to follow ... I'm out.

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