Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The last week of my life,

has been a big blurred haze
sleepless nights and long-drawn days

just kidding
I'm not writing
poetry tonight.

Two posts ago was unnecessarily dramatic. I'm usually better about guarding my downs on here.

This semester has taken so much out of me. Perhaps I should've slowed my course and spent more time here. Oh well. I feel it is the right time to leave.

I'm formulating my plans for after I'm finished here, and getting excited.

I've spent almost the entire last week in front of a computer screen, in a classroom, or reading a book. My social life consisted exclusively of going out Thursday night, and time with friends on Saturday. Otherwise, I've been working, studying, practicing, running, or in class.

I can't wait to have a (social) life this spring.

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