Monday, March 19, 2007

Spring Breakin'

I'm in the throes of spring break! What does this mean?

-work, work, work!

I'm at work all day today, all day tomorrow, all day Wednesday, part of the day Thursday, all day Friday, and Saturday morning.

But- I've also allotted time for fun. This past weekend I went out with friends to the Walker Art Center and then we went back to a friend's house for Pizza Luce and television. Saturday morning I worked, I ran in the afternoon and went to a party with a friend in the evening. Sunday morning we went on a walk and ate bananas and toast, after which I went shopping and went for a run. In the evening I hung out with a friend and called it a night early (1am) because I had to get up early this morning to run before work.

Now I am working on campus until 3:30, after which I go to my off campus job until 7:30. Immediately from there I'm going to see the Grinnell College choir perform (a friend from high school is in it) and make dinner with a friend (I'm house/dogsitting for a friend and since they have a nice kitchen, I plan to take full advantage of it!). Tomorrow night I am going out with friends for a birthday. Wednesday night I am meeting up with a friend for dinner, Thursday I'm doing the same (sort of), and Friday I might be going to Duluth. That's as far out as I've planned right now.

Well, now that you have enough intimate details to satisfy even the most rabid blog reader, I need to get back to work. Adios-

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